Thursday, January 18, 2007

Fairly Good Size??!!!

No pictures today...just a quick update. This week, our baby is officially full term. He can be born any day now and he will not be considered premature. Unfortunatley, he seems pretty comfortable living in my rib cage so he's probably not going to come any day now :) The doctor commented today that he is a fairly good size baby...good news for him, maybe not so good news for me :) Not much else going on in this part of the world except yucky snowy weather and papers for Jonathan. That's all for now.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Only 2 - 4 Weeks Left!

Well - here it is - the long awaited photo of my belly :) As you can see, I am getting tired from carrying all this extra weight around (and because it is night time - not the best picture ever taken of me but you get the picture (ha ha - no pun intended).

We went to the hospital yesterday to pre-register. The people are so nice and the rooms are lovely - it's nice to know what to expect.

We've been keeping busy the last few weeks. Jonathan mostly with his homework...graduation is in sight! Lots of exciting events coming up in the next few months (and you won't be stuck just looking at pictures of my belly for too much longer - I think baby pictures will be much cuter).

Monday, January 01, 2007

Harrison Christmas Celebration

This weekend we celebrated Christmas with the Harrison's. We had a progressive dinner starting at Eric and Christinas for appetizers, on to Mom and Dad Harrison's for dinner and then to our house for dessert. We had some old traditions such as the annual wrapping paper fight as well as some new ones - Christmas crackers at Jonathan and Karens (that's where the hats come from). Jonathan did some excellent strawberry decorating for the occasion - the two extra strawberries had sad faces because they did not want to be eaten! The next night we went over to Jonathan's parents to celebrate the New Year with games and grub :) Now back to normal life at least for a few weeks until baby comes (only 5 weeks left!!!)