Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Not for the easily scared...

Last year we started working on this movie and finally it is ready to be released for public viewing. Jonathan did an awesome job!!! It's about 10 mins so make sure you have time to enjoy the whole thing!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Fun Fall Day

Grandma Harrison's Visit

Grandma Harrison came to visit this weekend, and we had lots of fun at the pumpkin patch! Click on the picture above to view all of this weekend's pictures!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Ribbet - 100 Posts!!!

What better to celebrate our 100th post than with a cuddly frog! (He wasn't too impressed with the costume - He wouldn't turn his head)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Gettin' ready for bed

Here are some pics of Eóin at bedtime. I love his jammies - they make him so cuddly :-)

Monday, October 15, 2007

8 Months Today!

It'e been a busy month in our house. Eóin got his first teeth along with his first ear infection! He has become such an independent soul this last month. He knows exactly what he wants and how to ask (or demand) for it. He will scoot down off my lap so he can "walk" (with help) around the house. I'm pretty sure he has no intention of ever crawling although now he has tasted mobility he might give it more effort. More pics to come in future days...

Friday, October 12, 2007

Like Father, Like Son

Here are some pics of Eóin trying on daddy's glasses :-)

He kept pulling his hand out of his sleeve so he could chew on it! He has two new little teeth so he loves to chew! (You can see his teeth in the picture above if you click on it and look very closely)

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Reach Out

Jonathan created this video highlighting our church's basketball outreach program in an inner-city housing project.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Not his brightest moment

Eóin loves to drink from a real big person cup. This however is time consuming for the poor mammy who's back breaks trying to help him. So we tried a sippy cup. Not sure he quite got the idea :) He thought it was great for chewing on the bottom and great for practicing launching from his highchair. Daddy had to say no because mammy was cracking up at his determination to get it off! Today he did pretty well actually - once he got the hang of it there was no getting it back!