Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Monday, May 28, 2007

Cara's Graduation

This weekend, Cara graduated from high school. It was a fun and busy weekend. Eóin had a great time with all his grandparents. He got to meet Great Grandma and Grandpa Cole for the first time :)

Friday, May 25, 2007

Funny Daddy

Jonathan was singing funny songs to Eóin to keep him occupied while I cleaned up after the recital. Eóin was cracking up - it was so funny. Jonathan was snapping random pics while he was singing so some are blurry and cut off but I still think they are cute. Just click the link...

Funny Daddy

Piano Recital

Last night was Karen's piano recital. The kids all did such a great job! Follow the link to see pics of the evening.

Piano Recital

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Future Plans

So, I've graduated. Now what.

Karen and I have believed for a while that God is leading us into missions, specifically church planting. This winter, we began praying that the Lord would lead us to an exciting church plant where we could get involved, be mentored, and grow in our faith. I expected that after I graduated, I would begin looking for such a church.

The week that Eóin was born, we were contacted (unsolicited) by a friend that is helping to plant a church in downtown Kansas City, Missouri, asking us if we were interested in getting a job in the area and helping out. We've now taken 3 trips to the area, and are excited to announce officially that we are moving to Kansas City to get involved in the Lord's work at New Life Ministries.

The Lord has been working marvelously in this church, and we are excited about being a part of it. Please pray with us as we pursue a new job and housing!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Random Pics

Mammy and baby wearing their "chair camoflage" - what a couple of wakkos!

Can you guess what I'm doing?

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Bath Time

Eóin has graduated to the big bath tub since he learned how to splash. He loves it! As soon as his feet hit the water a big grin spreads across his face. He is funny to watch because he holds his breath when he splashes and makes funny faces :) Again, I had to hide behind daddy to get good footage so you can't see him kicking but at least this way he will still talk to us when he is older :)

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Uncle Justin Comes to Visit

Last night Justin Wredberg came to visit us. Eóin got up to have his late night snack but was not impressed with Daddy flashing a camera in his face at that hour of the night as you can see :) We played 7 games of Sequence and Karen did not even win one so her face was pretty similar to Eóin's - ha ha. Check back soon for a cute bath video :)

PS - Jonathan won the most games :-)

Friday, May 04, 2007


Finally! After three years of hard work, Jonathan received his Master of Arts degree today. Eric also graduated with his Bachelor's Degree so it was a day of celebration all around :)

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Take Me Out To The Ball Game!

On Saturday, we took Eóin to watch Uncle Eric play baseball. As you can see from the pics, he got a great nap in :)