Friday, August 31, 2007

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Food Glorious Food

This is Eóin cleverly disguised as a carrot. I learned my lesson: never mix tired little boys with carrots. He put his hand in his mouth and was rubbing his eyes before I could blink!!! I think his eyebrows are permenantly dyed orange!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Many Faces of Eoin

Just messing around with the camera this morning and took some cute pics of Eóin :-) New video coming soon!!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

New Life Baptisms

We had a wonderful day on Sunday. Fifteen people were baptized! It was so exciting :-) After our "pool party", we went to a nearby (or not so nearby when it's 95ish degrees and your pushing a stroller) park to have a picnic. There was an airshow going on that day too so it was a great day all around!

Here is a little video Jonathan put together of the baptisms.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Owies and boo-boos

Today we went to the doctor for Eóin's 6 month check-up. We had an excruciatingly long wait in (over and hour) in the waiting room. They was an 8 month old girl there too and both of them started getting antsy so we let them play together on the floor for a while (which involved the little girl trying to steal Eóin's toy even though she had the exact same one and Eóin just watching her crawl around).

When we finally made it into the office we saw the nurse for a few minutes and then waited AGAIN. Then we saw the doctor - after which we waited AGAIN. Then she came back to tell me about the shots he would get. Then we waited AGAIN. Finally the nurse came in and gave Eóin 4 very sore shots. THey did not have the cool fast needles for kids here. He did so well until the last one when he let out an almighty holler! Who could blame the kid - he missed nap time and it was dangerously close to lunch time!!!

After all was said and done we were in the office for just over 2 and a half hours! We did find out though that he is a big healthy boy. He now weighs almost 20 pounds (way off the charts) and is 26 1/2 inches long. I was worried I was feeding him too much but the doc said he eats just right and he is just a big strapping healthy lad. What more could I ask for :-) (Except a shorter wait at the doctor's office )

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Living in Luxury

Here is a picture of Jonathan's hotel room on his business trip. Am I totally jealous or what?!!!

Everything is better in a box!

Here is a little video of Eóin playing on the floor. Not very stimulating but for daddys and grandmas far away it is probably better than Law and Order!!! OK maybe not :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

6 months old

Wow - 6 months old today! It has gone by so quickly and yet i can't imagine life without Eóin. He is a precious gift from God.

Eóin William Harrison
February 15, 1:40 p.m.

August 15, 1:40 p.m. (I had to tiptoe so I wouldn't wake hime up)

Friday, August 10, 2007

Our Growing Boy

It is so hard to believe that in 5 days Eóin will be 6 months old! These last few months have gone so fast. Eóin has such a strong personality of his own and it is so much fun getting to know him :)

Name: Eóin William Harrison
Favorite (or Favourite if you're Irish) Food: Formula (although he is quite fond of peas and pickles!)
Favorite Song: The Wheels on the Bus
Favorite Poem: Humpty Dumpty
Favorite Game: Playing Superman with dad
Favorite Toy: Mr. Bear (named so originally by mammy) who he sleeps with. Also the Ronald McDonald Toy we got in a happy meal - go figure the free toy is his fav.
Favorite Book: "That's not my Kitten" (the compelling sequel to "That's not my bunny")
Other Interests: The bouncy seat in nursery, watching other kids playing, playing on mammy's piano, bath time

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

"Grandpa" Wayne Comes to Visit

We had a lovely surprise today when honorary Granpda Wayne Eide came to take me and Eóin out to lunch as he was passing through KC. We had a great time catching up :)

Mammy's Little Helper

Eóin is at the stage now when he wants to touch and feel (and eat) everything in sight! He wants to be in on whatever mammy and daddy are doing. If we are eating, he wants to be eating; If we are drinking, he wants to drink out of our's a lot of fun but we have to be very careful to keep breakable things out of reach. He loves to "help" with the laundry. Usually I just give him the socks to play with and cover him up with sheets and play peek-a-boo :) The other day I was sweeping and he kept trying to grab the sweeping brush - he thought he was big stuff when I let him hold it!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Our Polite Son

We got back from Michigan yesterday afternoon. We were there for Jonathan's grandparent's 50th anniversay party. Jonathan decided that before our evening church service he would take a nap. Eóin very politely playing on the floor and didn't make any noise while daddy was "sleeping"...

Sorry the resolution is so bad - dropshots was nor working for me today so we had to go back to you tube:(