Thursday, July 17, 2008


So today I tried to get Eóin to say some of his words for the camera. I turned around the screen so he could watch himself and he was quite enamoured :-) I'll try to get some more words later. Enjoy

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I'm it?

Okay Penni - Here's mine. (for those of you who are not Penni - you have to answer all of the questions with one word)

1. Where is your cell phone? dead
2. Your significant other? pacing
4. Your mother? far
5. Your father? away
6. Your favorite thing? piano
7. Your dream last night? scary
8 Your favorite drink? coke
9. Your dream/goal? godly
10. The room you’re in? office
11. Your hobby? reading
12. Your fear? dark
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? grown
14. What you’re not? perfectionist
15. Muffins? chocolate
16. One of your wish list items? car
17. Where you grew up? Ireland
18. The last thing you did? practice
19. What are you wearing? outfit
20. Favorite gadget? dunno
21. Your pets? never
22. Your computer? mac
23. Your mood? disappointed
24. Missing someone? family
25. Your car? Saturn
26. Something you’re not wearing? socks
27. Favorite store? Target
28. Like someone? Jonathan
29. Your favorite color? yellow
30. When is the last time you laughed? now
31. Last time you cried? earlier

I tag Aisling and Dayna

Friday, July 11, 2008

Summer Fun/Eóin update

I just realized what a slacker I have been lately about pics/videos/ and updates :-) So here are a few summer pics from the last two days. Yesterday we made homemade play-doh, and today we spent ages just out in the paddling pool. Eóin is such a water baby. We discovered a pretty inexpensive water park near us and went there twice this week. Eóin LOVES it (and I love it because he is so worn out afterwards).

I really need to start video taping Eóin talking soon. He learns new words every day it seems. Today he was singing along with the MacDonalds add (ba ba ba ba ba) it was so funny! I really need to watch what is on tv when he is around. He even picks up when people are laughing on tv and laughs along with them. The other night I was watching Family Fued and someone gave a dumb answer so I said "what?" and Eóin started saying "what, what, what." Such a parrot! His favorite words are probably "please", "he-woe" (how he says hello), "bye-bye", and today's word of the day is "YES". He is starting to use "uh-oh" as an excuse for throwing things - pretending he drops them, and I really have to watch that I don't laugh but it's so cute! Anyway - there is so much more, like letters and counting we have been working on, but I'll just try to get them on tape - it is much more interesting to hear than to read me blabbing on :-) Enjoy the pics

Monday, July 07, 2008


Here are some more random pics from Ireland.


Here is a video from our time at the beach. I was finally able to upload them. Have a few more pics from Ireland to put up then I will get caught up on stuff since we got home. I've been chasing my tail since we got back and need to get caught up around the house before I do any more!