Monday, November 16, 2009

200th Post! Book Review :-)

Wow - 200 posts! So much has happened since I started this blog. I am excited that with this post I am adding something new: book reviewing. I have signed up to review books for two different publishing companies. I just happened to be down with the flu when one of my new books arrived in the mail this weekend - perfect timing! I finished it this morning - so on with the review!!

The Rose Legacy by Kristen Heitzmann
Diamond of the Rockies #1

"My heart is a blind guide. Why did I follow ~ Rose"

Carina Maria DiGratia leaves the comforts of everyone and everything she has ever known for the dreams of Crystal, Colorado. Filled with bitterness and hatred for those who betrayed her at home, she vows to never be trusting again. She soon learns, however, that in a mining town, a lone woman needs help - she will have to trust someone - but whom? Not everyone in Crystal is as they first appear. When violence escalates, Carina must discover who is really trustworthy in order to help save the city from complete corruption.

I really enjoyed reading this book - I could easily imagine the surroundings and wonderful characters who fill the pages. The book is nice and long so there is time to develop the characters and story line well. One thing I was not so fond of was the blurring a little of the gospel. Although it is said that one must be washed in the blood of the lamb, it seems also present that whatever road you take - as long as you are sincere -will get you to heaven too. I probably would not recommend it to a friend who was searching for the gospel themselves. I loved the story itself however and can't wait to read the next one in the series.

I received a free copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers for the purpose of reviewing

Saturday, November 07, 2009

5 Months!

This week Aidan turned 5 months old! I can't believe how fast he is growing. It's fun seeing his little personality emerge more and more. He is definitely an outspoken child! When he wants something, he has no problem letting me know as loudly as possible - our doctor said he was "opinionated." I forgot to put his stats from his four month checkup. He was 15lbs 14oz. The exact same as Eóin was at his checkup. No idea what he is now - but he is chubby :-)

He loves to move an is hardly ever still. I usually lay him down to play on a blanket in the living room and within 5 minutes he will be 4 feet away facing a completely different direction. This is very new realm to me since Eóin would stay put where-ever I put him when he was that age. Babyproofing will take on a whole new meaning in this house!

He is also very much a people person - if I take Eóin out of the room to change him or get his lunch or something, Aidan will let us know in a hurry that he does not appreciate us leaving him alone! He wants to be part of every game. He loves if I hold him on eóin's level - they just giggle at each other :-) It's so precious.

He has been eating rice cereal for a while now and is doing great - time to add some more flavor to his diet soon. I need to get a video of him at the dinner table with us because he will follow our hand from our plate to our mouth over and over smacking his lips. He really wants to taste whatever we have.

Here are some pics I took yesterday while he was just playing on the floor looking out into the backyard. I love his dark blue eyes - i hope they stay like that :-)