Friday, July 15, 2011


We got to babysit little Madison while Aunty Tina and Uncle Eric went out for their anniversary. The boys were so excited! They were very sweet and gentle with her. We had to keep an eye on Aidan who wanted to share all his toys with her, but they really did a great job.

Madison loved having the boys near. She watched Eóin everywhere he went. He sat by her and read to her and played cars while explaining what he was doing. He told me "I will teach to play cars gently, and not to be afraid of the crocodiles at the zoo." Not sure where the crocodile thing came from :)

I think they will be very good big brothers to their new sister when she gets here.

Trip to WI

We took a short trip to visit Grandma and Grandpa at the beginning of this month. The kid's were so excited since they had been asking to go for so long. They did really well in the car and really learned that we meant it when we said it was far away. Last week in River City (our church's kid's program) we were talking about Grandparents and Aidan said "Grandma lives faaaaaar away" :-)

We didn't much except relax and read which was just what we needed. Grandma got some great deals on some Thomas toys at a garage sale and the kids played with those every chance they could! We did brave the heat and go to the parade on the 4th of July and light off some fireworks in the backyard. It was a nice to see some old friends at Calvary and Brookside too.

Here are a few pics from the weekend. I let Eóin use my camera to take some pictures and made a little slideshow of his first photo shoot :)

 Driving far away. Reading the magazines they got with their Wendy's meal (such a load of rubbish!)

Culvers with Grandma

Picnic at Brookside 

Playing some carnival games at Brookside's picnic

Aidan's turn for a game :)

Watertown 4th of July Parade :)

Catching Up: Aidan's Birthday

Since we plan on being a little more busy in the weeks to come with the arrival of a new baby, I wanted to be sure and make sure that we were caught up on all the events of the past few months.

On June 2nd, Aidan turned two. We had a small family party here at the house and the kids really enjoyed it. Really - they enjoy anything with pizza and cake :-) Eóin and Aidan helped grandma make the birthday cake which turned out sooo cute! I'm glad grandma was here to do that because I would be headed to the nearest store to buy one - cakes are so not my thing!

I posted the pics on facebook already here but here is a short video of blowing out the candles that never made it anywhere past my desktop. (He had a little help from big brother :-)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Book Review: My Foolish Heart by Susan May Warren

Isadora Presley is host of a very popular radio talk show. Listeners hang on her every word as she gives them advice on how to find true love as Miss Foolish Heart. Little do her readers know that Isadora is not giving advice from experinece. In fact, she can't even leave her own house, let alone find true love. After a tragic accident, she is plagued by panic attacks which keep her trapped inside her home and safe world she has created for herself.

At least it was safe, until she gets a new neighbor. Caleb Knight challenges everything she has set up to keep herself from facing the world and Isadora can't decide if she likes it, or if he just drives her crazy! Then again, she has always reminded her listeners that the perfect love could be right next door :-)

I thought this book was so cute! I thought it was a lovely romance while still dealing with issues like trust in God and letting him heal you where you hurt the deepest. I read it in one day which is always a good sign of an easy, enjoyable read.

Thank you to Tyndale Publishers for a free copy of this book to review.