Saturday, February 18, 2012

Book Review: When the Smoke Clears by Lynette Eason

Alexia Allen hasn't been home in 10 years, after all she did not leave much behind. But when she is ordered to take time off after an accident during her work as a firefighter, Alexia decides to go to her high school renunion. The problem is, the accident turns out to be not so much an accident and danger follows Alexia to her hometown. Now not only does Alexia need to face her past and the pain it holds, but also a very real dager facing her in the present.  Can she figure out who is after her before it is too late?

I really enjoy Eason's suspense writing. She usually has me turning pages from the very beginning - starting off with action from the get-go. I will say, that with so much danger facing the main character in this book, it's a little unrealistic that she escaped it every time, but it makes for a good fiction read all the same :-) So far I have guessed the bad guy in all of Eason's stories, but that almost makes it more nail-biting when you know have a good guess what is coming. Good ending - I wasn't expecting that, but I won't elaborate so I don't spoil the ending - you will just have to read it for yourself ;-)

Available February 2012 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group

Thank you so much to Revell Publishing for a free copy of this book to review!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Eóin!

I can't believe I am old enough to have a 5 year old already! When we prayed for a child, I could never have imagined a better answer to that prayer. Eóin is a joy and brings so much fun to our family.

He loves to be goofy and loves to laugh! He is a great big brother to Aidan and Molly and they love him so much! His new fascination is legos and I can't believe how good he is at following the directions. He made a 100 piece helicopter by himself this morning! Crazy :-)

He cannot wait to start school in the Fall - and I am dreading it! Can't imagine so much time without him in the house!

I put together a video of some of his firsts because I was feeling a little nostalgic :-) Apparently most of our other videos of him older than two were taken on phones and such because they are not on my computer but you get the drift and it would be hours long - lol. Also - here are his 'stats' for the year and his birthday minute pic comparisons.


1:40pm 2007
1:50pm 2008
 1:40pm 2009
 1:40pm 2010
 1:40pm 2011
 1:40pm 2012