Saturday, August 25, 2012

Book Review: Dying to Read by Lorena McCourtney

Cate Kincaid has been through a LOT of jobs - from teacher to christmas elf and now finds herself helping out her Private Investigator uncle while she looks for a "real" job. Her assignment seems easy enough that even she can't mess up. Confirm that a girl lives at a certain address. Easy.
Except when she arrives at the house, nothing is easy - including the dead body she discovers! Not wanting to fail at yet another job, Cate finds herself mixed up in a web of lies and old ladies (he he)!

I really enjoyed this book - kind of like a grown up Nancy Drew :-) It is mystery, romance, and humor. I found myself laughing out loud quite a few times! I'm looking forward to reading more in this series.

Thanks to Revell Publishing for a free copy of this book to review.
“Available August 2012 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Molly is 1

Where did this year go? I cannot believe my little girl is one already! I totally love having a little girl - already there are so many difference between her and her brothers although she can certainly hop in with their wrestling matches no problem :-)
At her checkup, she was in the 30% for weight, 35% for height and 97% for head size - lol. The doctor said she must be putting all her food in her head (just like Aunty Sandra!).
Here are some of Molly's favorite things right now:

Favorite Song: B-I-N-G-O or anything from her Mommy and Me video. She loves music!
Favorite Toy: She is really enjoying her Little People dollhouse. The toilet makes a flush sound and the phone rings - there are a couple of other sounds, but those ones make her laugh :-)
Favorite Food: She is not really too picky about food, but she did really enjoy her first warm chocolate chip cookie not too long ago - takes after her mommy! She also loves pasta of any sort.
Favorite Game: She loves to play Peek-A-Boo around the end of the couch - she thinks she is so funny when she hides :-)
Favorite People: She is really starting to come out of her shell which is fun for me, because she was a mommy-magnet up until recently. She really loves her Daddy and uncle Eric. Whenever I open the door she starts waving and saying "Hi" to anyone who will listen!
Words: She says Mommy, Daddy, Hi (favorite one), Cheese, Out, Up, and she said Grandad (dad-dad) today for the first time when she saw my dad on the computer!
Walking: Molly started walking well by herself about a week or so ago, but she will still cheat ad crawl a lot of the time. It's probably about 50/50 walking/crawling, but I can tell she is enjoying walking more and more :-)

Here are Molly's Birthday Minute Pics

 Molly Hope Harrison
8/4/2011 12:26pm 

Molly Hope Harrison
8/4/2012 12:16pm

Win a Kindle Fire or Nook Color from @SuzanneWFisher in "The Haven" Giveaway! RSVP for Live Video Chat on 8/30!

Celebrate the newest book in the Stoney Ridge Seasons series with Suzanne by entering her 4 eReader Giveaway and Facebook Party and RSVPing for the Live Video Chat on 8/30! 

See what folks are saying about The Haven!

Four grand prize winners will receive:
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Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on August 29th. Winner will be announced at Suzanne's Live Author Chat Party on 8/ 30. Suzanne will be hosting an author chat (party will start on Facebook AND then be Live from her website) and giving away books, gift certificates and several Burt's Bees® Nourishing Radiance Kits!!

So grab your copy of The Haven and join Suzanne on the evening of the August 30th for a fun chat (both on Facebook and via Live Video), trivia contest and lots of giveaways. 

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Friday, August 10, 2012

Book Review:Lethal Legacy by Irene Hannon

Kelly Warren is not one bit convinced that her father's death was a suicide, even when all the evidence supports it. Something is just not right, and finally, she gets something that may prove murder. Detective Cole Taylor has to deal with the daughter in denial, which might not be such a bad thing considering she is quite pretty. Still, it seems that no matter how pretty she is, it can't make the evidence support her theory. In fact it's not until someone seems to want Kelly out of the picture, that he keeps digging and finds a very dangerous secret. Now he needs to get to the bottom of the secret before it's too late for Kelly!

As the third book in the Guardians of Justice Series, I think it would be better to read the others before reading this, as she does refer to the people from past books quite a bit. Still, you could read it as a stand alone novel and get to know the main characters without them. I usually can guess who the bad guy is pretty early in these books (even though you do find out early on in the story anyway) - but it does make it suspenseful and keeps you turning pages well into the night! I usually read these in one day :-) My only problem with these books is how early the characters always seem to fall for each other - I prefer the action part over the romance parts but it doesn't bother me enough to stop me reading them!

Thanks to Revell publishing for a free copy of this book to review.

Available August 2012 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.