Tuesday, March 18, 2014

When Aidan Grows Up...

Always a hero of some sort, but even heroes need a nap sometimes.

The past few months, Aidan has been making a list of things he will do/be when he grows up. Here are a few of his goal this far:

1. Be Ironman (sometimes this changes to other super heroes but it's mostly Ironman)
2. Have a "mushtache"
3. Drink chocolate milk ALL the time
4. Also drink grape juice
5. "What else do grown ups drink? What does coffee taste like? (I tell him I think it's gross) I will probably like it and I will drink it all the time.
6. Live next door to Grandma
7. Not be married (if he does indeed have a "mushtache," this might not be so hard ;-) )
8. Have kids, but not my own - kids who don't already have Daddies.
9. Have 4 tvs
10. Have a Wii and play Mario on it - Eoin can come to his house to play because Eoin will only have one tv.

That's it for the moment. I'll add to the list as he does :-D

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Eóin turns 7

Last month, my baby boy turned 7 years old! This year he chose Mario as his birthday party theme.  I think he gets just as excited about the decorations and cake as he does about the presents. Pics are on facebook here. He had a few school friends over and it was so funny to watch them all talking and playing together since I don't get to see them interact at school much. Such boys and big kids!

He has grown up so much this past year, and we are definitely entering a new phase of parenting. Explaining the reasons behind the rules and really working for him to see the heart behind his actions is becoming more and more important. He has such a tender heart for others which I am so thankful for, especially homeless people and others who don't have as much as our family has been blessed with.

He LOVES to play board/card games - favorites are Sorry, Uno Spin, and Skipbo. He also really enjoys reading which I am so excited about since I am a bookworm too! His other love is video games - it must be a boy thing.

He has also grown up physically. The kid eats like a teenager at dinner, but is still a string bean - just getting taller and taller. He's lost two teeth this year, and doesn't know what happened to either of the teeth. How do you not notice it twice!?! He was very relieved it didn't hurt though and was pretty happy with the dollar under his pillow :-D He is saving for a Wii apparently - might take a few more teeth...

Here's his yearly interview questions and birthday minute pics (most taken at 1:40pm)...
Favorite Food: ice-cream and taco salad
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Toy: Superhero toys
Favorite Song: The Mario Song (really?)
Favorite TV Show: Sonic the Hedgehog
Favorite Place: Crown Center
What do you want to be when you grow up: A Policeman

Feb 15, 2007



Monday, March 10, 2014

Chats With Molly

I was resting for a bit yesterday which as all parents know, send out a signal that only children can hear. It immediately summons them to where-ever you are. So following the resting-parent signal, Molly arrived on my bed two seconds after I lay down. She wanted to play lego on bed, but settled for pretending to play lego since I don't relish the thought of laying on legos at night.
These are generally how our little chats go. We are trying to get her on video more while she still has her little voice and cute lisp :-)