Monday, October 16, 2006

Corn Maze Fun

This past weekend we took our third annual trip to the greatest corn maze in all of Wisconsin (the world?) in Lodi. Of course, the only way to do this thing is in the dark!

Our team was me, Karen, and Jason. I think we did pretty well, considering we had a flashlight that died, an incorrect map piece, and a pregnant woman. We didn't come in first, but we made it out - which is pretty good without a map or light! And actually, Karen was a great sport! She kept the pace going a lot faster than I thought she would!!! We may have come in second place (there was a small discrepancy about us coming out one of the "entrances" instead of the "exit" - hey, out is out, right?) Cara's team won :-( but THERE'S ALWAYS NEXT YEAR...

Wait - next year our team will have a pregnant woman AND a stroller. Oh, we can still take 'em.



Jennifer said...

the average woman's body takes 14 months to heal from carrying and birthing another human being. poor karen.

Ice-Family said...

Sounds like great fun! Will look forward to seeing some more pics of you all soon. Is your post suggesting that you'll be having another baby this time next year?!?! Wow! ~Daynes

Jason Harrison said...

Yes!!! and next year we'll bring a four wheeler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!