Thursday, February 15, 2007

More pictures of the baby

"Children are a heritage from the LORD"
Psalm 127:3

Click on the link above to see the pictures from our first day with the baby.

Karen's feeling much better, but she very tired and we're both looking forward to some sleep. Eóin has been a great baby! He is eating well (and making good use of his diapers). It has been somewhat of a whirlwind of a day, but we appreciate all of your calls, comments, and emails. Most of all we appreciate your prayers!



Anonymous said...

Congratulations from Great Granny, Granny and Irene. We are delighted everything went well. Pictures are great and are printing off lots for everyone. well done. Praise the Lord.

in memory of the random thought of the day said...

hey all, congratulations!!! Glad to hear mom and baby are all well!!!