Monday, February 11, 2008

Birthday Party

We had Eóin's birthday party a few days early because 3/4 grandparents were in town this weekend. He got some lovely presents (most of them quite noisy ;). He was so funny with his birthday cake...he started off very polite and ended up cramming as much in as he could :-) Here is a little video of the day.


Ice-Family said...

Happy 1st bday to Eoin!! Can't believe he's one already! Looks like he sure enjoyed his cake! Glad to see your mom was able to make it. Is she staying for a while? Great pics/video!

MommaHarms said...

Happy Birthday Eoin! That cake looked yummy!

Casey said...

Can you believe he's one?!?! Happy bday Eion!! Thanks for sharing the video, it was soo cute!

James and Aisling Solarek said...

Cute Karen! I love his irish shirt