So Jason and Cara came down this weekend to celebrate Jonathan and Christina's birthdays which are both this week. The way the weekend turned out though, we never really had a chance to have a party for them. We did have fun though. Today, Christina was out of town with her choir from school and Jonathan was at work, so Jason, Cara, Eric, Eóin and I had a party for them....without them! We went to Wendy's for lunch and had a game of miniature golf (which apparently is different than putt putt). Here are some pics and videos from the dork PGA :-)
Jason threw his club over the fence and had to climb over to get it.
Oh - there was a gate?!?
The pic of you and Eoin is so cute!Do you have something programmed on your computer that puts the little mark over his name?
Did you guys eat their birthday cake without them, too? :) haha
looks like a fun party.........wish I could have come too :)
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