Here are some pics from the past few days. We have been working on using utensils more often - I have been putting it off because finger foods are just so easy. He is doing really well though and most of the food gets in his mouth :-) He also has had his first bandaid worthy owies. One on his knee - he fell on the same spot FOUR DAYS IN A ROW! Each time it bled worse - yuck. Then he slid along the sidewalk on his face - luckily we escapes with a small cut on his eyebrow. He just loves to run! The rest are from playing outside today. I was actually going to the store but he got sidetracked by some twigs on the ground so I let him play for a while :-) He had a great time.
Great pics, Karen!! The first two pics remind me of Jonathan. The last pic reminds me of Karen... :)
Rob says that he misses Eoin and you guys need to come for another visit!
My brother Steve used to sit like that, with his legs sprawled out side-ways...I sure hope all his owies are healing up!!! I was there for the one at the zoo, not too fun =(
I agree with Rob....
Love his expression in that last photo - ha! :)
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