Daddy took the boys to a friends house to go swimming yesterday while I had a little break. It was nice to have a quiet house for a while and a nice surprise to hear how well Eóin did in the full size pool. His feet didn't reach the bottom at all unless he was on the step, but with his floaties on, he swam around on his own no problem. Jonathan originally tried to teach him to "doggy paddle" but Eóin wasn't getting it. Eventually he decided he wanted to swim like an otter and off he went, so I guess he "otter paddles" :-)
Aidan was a bit more cautious and stayed in the raft all day, but he still had a good time.
They are having a "whale" of a time:-)
Eóin wouldn't look at the camera because the sun was shining behind me :)
great swimming, Eoin!
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