Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Molly - 4 month update

So even though Molly is almost 5 months now, I thought I would post her 4 month stats for remembering later on. At her checkup she was 12lbs (35%), 24 2/4 inches (75%) and her head was in the 80%.

She is just such a joy! She always has a smile pretty much whenever I look at her, and she especially loves when the boys talk and play with her. She rolls from back to front and almost can roll the other way but she doesn't like to be on her tummy so she doesn't have much motivation :-)

When she wants attention she will fake cough to get you to look at her and then have a big smile when you actually look her direction. She has been a right chatterbox lately which is just so cute! She loves baths - she has moved to the big tub now where she has lots of room to kick and splash.

Probably her favorite thing to do is dance around - always gets big grins and silent giggles (she rarely laughs out loud, in fact you can only tell she is laughing by the big breaths she takes in between her silent laughs :-) )

I am loving dressing her in girly clothes and bows and totally loving having a little girl :-)

4 months pic :-)

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