Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Christmas Eve 2011

Well I didn't get caught up by New Year's Day but I am working on it now. Just a few more from 2011 :-) I really want to put them up because I love looking back so it's worth the time to go back and get everything up. And so...a few pics from the days leading up to Christmas Eve as well as Christmas Eve itself.  The Harrisons arrived so we did a few activities with them (which of course included going back to the trains AGAIN). Christmas Eve we opened stockings and tried to head home early. The boys both feel asleep on the way home but Eóin woke up enough to put his stocking out and some cookies for Santa :-) He tried soooo hard to fall asleep even though he was so excited - it was cute to peep in and see him squeezing his eyes closed.

3 Harrison Men (Aidan was off exploring)

True Love :-)

Christmas Eve Shirt (says "for santa, not daddy")



Noise Makers were a big hit :-)
even with the big kids :-)

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