Sunday, January 20, 2013

Book Review: The Dilema of Charlotte Farrow by Olivia Newport

Charlotte Farrow has been working as a maid in a wealthy Chicago home for almost a year now. All while keeping a huge secret. She has a son. As servants are not allowed to have children, Charlotte has trusted the care of her son to another lady, and secretly visits during her every hour off. But when her son's caretaker must leave town, she abruptly drops the boy with Charlotte at the Banning's home leaving Charlotte with a huge dilema; should be claim the child as her own, to lose her job and means of keeping them both safe, or watch as the Banning family choses how her son will spend the rest of his life - away from her.

As a mother, this book had been on edge the whole time. I could never imagine having to face the choices that Charlotte had to make. I always enjoy reading about that time period and the difference between the servant's lives and the lives of the people they work for. A good read!

Thank you to Revell Publishers for a copy of this book to review.

Available January 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”

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