Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Book Review: Hot Mama by Lipp and MacPhearson

From the back cover: It's easy for us moms to slip into the habit of letting the craziness of our days interfere with our relationships with our husbands. We simply don't have the energy or the ideas for a spicy, satisfying sex life...In this witty book, hot mammas Kathi Lipp and Ericn McPhearson share hilarious stories and creative ideas from moms everywhere to help you build a relationship with your spouse that's happy, healthy and fun...
So I kind of forgot that when I signed up to read this book I would have to right a public review of it (just a wee bit embarrassing). But part of the point of the book is that sex is so important in marriage and there is nothing embarrassing or wrong with having a healthy sex life, in fact, it is vital to a good marriage. Dealing with topics from a biblical view of sex to finding good ways to talk about it in your marriage, to just fun ideas for thinking outside the box, this book covers 12 "secrets" to a sizzling hot marriage.
Honestly, I thought it was ok. I don't really have the same sense of humor as the writers so I didn't really find their stories "hilarious" as the cover promised. Some of the tips were good and it had some good reminders of things I already knew but it just was not really my style of writing. Each chapter ends with a "pledge," some ideas from other ladies and a "bucket list" of things to try. There were some good tips in those sections. Over all though I'd just say it was "OK."

Thanks to Revell Publishers for a free copy of this book to read and review.

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