Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Book Review: The Boy Who Changed The World by Andy Andrews

Every choice you make can make a difference.  That is the main story behind this book for children about the super seeds that fed over 2 million people all because of some young boys who made good choices. The story follows 4 boys as they grow up and all end up having a part in feeding the hungry of the world.  Norman wanted to help hungry people as he looked at all the corn on his family farm, Henry wanted to use his knowledge of plants to help others, George had a kind heart that he used to help his friends, and Moses reached out and saved a little boy in need of help. All of their lives touched each other by the choices that they made, and eventually they changed the world!

I love the idea of this story and the pictures are fabulous. I will only say that it is a little confusing to go backwards each time. I even had a bit of a hard time connecting the people - I had to look back and see where they fit in. I read it to my three year old son and he seemed to enjoy it but by the last story, he was losing interest. I think that as we read it over again though in the future, he will be able to connect the dots. I think it just takes more than one read for younger kids. For older kids, though, it would make sense and they would learn a lot. A great way to talk to your child about the choices he makes every day.

Thank you so much to Thomas Nelson Publishers (through their BookSneeze program) for a free copy of this book to review.

1 comment:

Ελλάδα said...

Andy Andrews takes us on a journey through history of boys who have changed the world. This book explains the "butterfly effect" and shows how what one person does can effect another, and then another, and so on. The illustrations are amazing, and the story seems inspiring and fascinating... mostly