Tonight, Jonathan was telling Eóin a story but since Eóin kept interrupting with his own ideas, we let him tell his own story. I grabbed the computer and tried to dictate it as he was telling it. Next time I'll have to tape it because there are lots of actions involved (I added some where I thought it necessary :-) Enjoy.
There was a triceratops. And he was orange, and he had to get some food. He was a baby one. He was flying to get some food. I think there was another bird. It was a daddy bird. And then there was another one - it was a mommy bird. And then there was another dinosaur picking some ovals. It was like this (scratching motion). And then he saw a washing machine. It was building the foundation. There was another machine pulling dirt (like this - moving with swishing sounds). And then there was another one - a mixer pouring concrete. And then they put some walls on it. And then they paint the house. And then there was people and then the people go inside the house. The End (book closing motion with a pretend book).
So if you couldn't tell, he is really into dinosaurs, food, and building stuff at the moment :-)
It did have a few resemblances to my original story :)
Oh no! He tells stories just like his Daddy. Good job Eoin.
Sorry Anonymous is mise, Granny C. Don't know how to get my name up ther. lol
Hey would you look at that, my name came up, duh! Well it is Monday morning..... lol
Too cute!! Glad that you got it written down!
love could write them down and make a little book :)
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