Thursday, December 11, 2008

Snow pics

We played outside in the snow today for a little while. We were only out there for half an hour because we used up all the snow :-) It was melting quickly! Eóin would have stayed out there all day - he LOVED it!
Here are some pics:

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

So Lazy

I have been so lazy about posting on here because I usually just throw my pics up on facebook - it's way faster but I know everyone doesn't have facebook so I will try to keep up with both :-)

We just got back from our trip to Indiana on Saturday night. We drove in Eric and Christina's jeep which was nice not to have to worry about driving late at night. We had a lovely time with everyone and Eóin had a great time trying to entertain us all. He decided to latch on to Erin the whole time we were there and Erin did a great job of being patient and playing with him. There are only so many hours I can sit on the floor playing cars so it was a great break for me!

Eóin's talking was a lot of fun to share with everyone. It was funny seeing him put names to faces and mixing them up :-) For some reason, he is intent on calling Eric "Pappa" too much to the real pappa's annoyance :-) At least the real pappa gets called pappa-buddy.

The food was yummy as usual and I was glad not to be too sick that day :-)

Jonathan's grandparents have a Wii so they brought that along and we played it pretty much all weekend! It was a good laugh.

I totally forgot my camera (duh!) so here are some I stole from Jason's facebook page :-)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Raking with Daddy

Tonight Eóin went out to help daddy get rid of some of the leaves in our yard. I tried to get some pics but didn't really get a good one. are some of the ones I did get. He had a great time. He loved when Jonathan made big piles out of leaves. His exact words were "wow...tow" (tow is a tower in Eóin's language). He even came inside and told me all about it :-)
Putting the leaves in his little bag.

He brought his bag down to where Jonathan was raking.

So much fun 

Sunday, October 12, 2008

SCCF Fall Party

Saturday afternoon was the annual fall party at Jonathan's work. We went to one of his co-workers homes - they have horses and a few other little animals. it was so much fun - we had a pumpkin carving competition, hayride, horse rides, and a bonfire :-) Here are some pics and videos of the day.

How to make a bonfire - Step 1 - douse with gas

Step 2 - light the gas :-)

Eóin did NOT like the boom!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Getting ready for bed

So last night when we got home from church, Jonathan and Eóin were getting ready for bed. Not quite the winding down game you would expect - they are crazy guys!!!!


Friday, October 03, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Tonight we had a fun night doing our mostly-annual pumpkin carving. This year our new friend Oluseun joined us and it was his first time carving a pumpkin :-) Everyone's turned out pretty great except for poor Eric who bit off a little more than he could chew (but he says it's the tools fault). Here are some pics of the evening.


Eóin and I were just being goofy on the computer this morning and I got him saying some of the alphabet. We never usually make it past P 'cuz he always gets bored :-) He doesn't always get them right but he gives it a good shot at least.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Last stop on vacation

Our last stop was at the Harrison's in WI. We went to Applebees for dinner (pic of Eóin feeding daddy below), we relaxed, and celebrated Karen's birthday with a yummy tollhouse pie from Upper Krust :-) Then it was time for the long drive home!

Silver Lake

For those of you who haven't seen my pics on facebook here is the link of our camping at Silver Lake:


So I am finally trying to get all my pics from vacation up...I have been very busy (watching Bones he he he).
These are the ones from our stay at CoBeAc

Monday, September 15, 2008

Vacation 1 - The Solareks

I took tons on pics on our vacation so I will just divide them into our four stops - Indiana, Houghton Lake, Silver Lake, and Watertown. Here are the ones from visiting James, Aisling and Conor. The boys got along pretty well this time so it was fun to watch them play together. Karen whopped up on everyone playing Settlers of Catan so that made the trip extra special :-)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Big boy

Here are some pics from the past few days. We have been working on using utensils more often - I have been putting it off because finger foods are just so easy. He is doing really well though and most of the food gets in his mouth :-) He also has had his first bandaid worthy owies. One on his knee - he fell on the same spot FOUR DAYS IN A ROW! Each time it bled worse - yuck. Then he slid along the sidewalk on his face - luckily we escapes with a small cut on his eyebrow. He just loves to run! The rest are from playing outside today. I was actually going to the store but he got sidetracked by some twigs on the ground so I let him play for a while :-) He had a great time.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Row Row Row

Ha ha ha - we always get a laugh out of Eóin. Today he was singing row row row your boat and playing the piano for himself - he thought it was very funny :-)

Monday, August 04, 2008


Daddy and Eóin were playing with photo booth on our mac - they are so silly

Thursday, July 17, 2008


So today I tried to get Eóin to say some of his words for the camera. I turned around the screen so he could watch himself and he was quite enamoured :-) I'll try to get some more words later. Enjoy

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I'm it?

Okay Penni - Here's mine. (for those of you who are not Penni - you have to answer all of the questions with one word)

1. Where is your cell phone? dead
2. Your significant other? pacing
4. Your mother? far
5. Your father? away
6. Your favorite thing? piano
7. Your dream last night? scary
8 Your favorite drink? coke
9. Your dream/goal? godly
10. The room you’re in? office
11. Your hobby? reading
12. Your fear? dark
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? grown
14. What you’re not? perfectionist
15. Muffins? chocolate
16. One of your wish list items? car
17. Where you grew up? Ireland
18. The last thing you did? practice
19. What are you wearing? outfit
20. Favorite gadget? dunno
21. Your pets? never
22. Your computer? mac
23. Your mood? disappointed
24. Missing someone? family
25. Your car? Saturn
26. Something you’re not wearing? socks
27. Favorite store? Target
28. Like someone? Jonathan
29. Your favorite color? yellow
30. When is the last time you laughed? now
31. Last time you cried? earlier

I tag Aisling and Dayna

Friday, July 11, 2008

Summer Fun/Eóin update

I just realized what a slacker I have been lately about pics/videos/ and updates :-) So here are a few summer pics from the last two days. Yesterday we made homemade play-doh, and today we spent ages just out in the paddling pool. Eóin is such a water baby. We discovered a pretty inexpensive water park near us and went there twice this week. Eóin LOVES it (and I love it because he is so worn out afterwards).

I really need to start video taping Eóin talking soon. He learns new words every day it seems. Today he was singing along with the MacDonalds add (ba ba ba ba ba) it was so funny! I really need to watch what is on tv when he is around. He even picks up when people are laughing on tv and laughs along with them. The other night I was watching Family Fued and someone gave a dumb answer so I said "what?" and Eóin started saying "what, what, what." Such a parrot! His favorite words are probably "please", "he-woe" (how he says hello), "bye-bye", and today's word of the day is "YES". He is starting to use "uh-oh" as an excuse for throwing things - pretending he drops them, and I really have to watch that I don't laugh but it's so cute! Anyway - there is so much more, like letters and counting we have been working on, but I'll just try to get them on tape - it is much more interesting to hear than to read me blabbing on :-) Enjoy the pics

Monday, July 07, 2008


Here are some more random pics from Ireland.


Here is a video from our time at the beach. I was finally able to upload them. Have a few more pics from Ireland to put up then I will get caught up on stuff since we got home. I've been chasing my tail since we got back and need to get caught up around the house before I do any more!

Monday, June 23, 2008


I have been waiting for my whole trip for nice weather so we could go to the beach. No such luck! Today I decided hail, rain, or shine - we were going! Every summer when I was little we drove two hours to Wexford. We stayed in our caravan (mixture between an rv and a mobile home). The beach is just down the road from the caravan park and we often walked down by ourselves to play. I really wanted to take Eoin and I wasn't disappointed - He is a beach baby. He would have stayed all day if I let him. He didn't even make a face at the freezing water - he would have kept walking out to see if I let him. He dug in the sand for hours!!!! It was definitley the best day of our holdiay. I have some funny videos to put up but for now here are some pics. Will work on the videos tomorrow. Enjoy...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Big Blue Barn

The other day we took the kids to an indoor play area with lots of climby things and loads of balls. After spending a very long time to find the place and driving around and around carlow town, we finally had a great time! The pictures are way fuzzy thanks to my lovely sister's great photography skills!!! (j/k sandra!)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Day at the park/meeting relatives

Yesterday, we took a trip into Dublin to visit my relatives and we stopped at a park that we used to play at when we were little. Funny how things I remembered being so big at the time are TINY now. Here are some pics of the day.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Down on the farm

Today, we went to visit a farm that we used to visit when I was young. The boys had a wonderful time - we will have to go back! Here are some pics as well as a few random ones from yesterday :-)

Saturday, June 07, 2008


Well,Eoin and I arrived in Ireland safe and sound. The flights went better than I expected although they were still very long and we were exhausted. Eoin is having a great time showing off and getting lots of attention. We thought we wore him out when he went to bed last night. Then at about midnight he woke up WIDE awake! Sandra (my sister) took him downstairs to play for a while and then he talked himself to sleep later. We got up at ten this morning - sooo nice! It was a beautiful day today and we spent most of it in the back yard with my cousins running around :-) Hopefully Eoin will make it through the night tonight. He was totally worn out when I put him down. Here are some pics off our trip so far -

Monday, June 02, 2008

New Video

We were running around yesterday playing chasing with Eóin. Here is a quick vid of a funny run in with daddy.

Friday, May 16, 2008

15 months!

Yesterday we went to the doctor for Eóin's 15 month check-up. It was not fun :-) The doctor didn't even have to touch him before he started screaming. Mind you he was sick but I thought it was kind of funny that the doctor tried to distract Eóin by turning on his little light and as soon as he did Eóin let out a blood curdling scream - like you can't trick me mister!

Besides having a little viral infection he's been down with this week he is doing well. He is in the 30% percentile for weight (which if anyone saw how much he eats they would be shocked that this is so low!), 60% for height and 75% for brain size (fat head :-)

He is really turning into a character. Hasn't picked up too many new words lately, in fact he seems to have forgotten half the ones he used to say! He does however say "Jesus" when I ask him who is on the front of his Bible - so cute. Funny he can recognize Jesus and still won't call me mamma! He laughs every time we get him to say it - stinker.

He understands most things I tell him during the day. He goes to his room when I say we need to change his diaper, and RUNS to the kitchen when I mention lunch or snack :-) He runs the fastest when daddy asks if he wants a bath. I need to get that one on video. It's so funny! He still loves to help me with EVERYTHING I do. He puts daddy's stinky socks in the laundry basket in the morning (although once he threw them in the trash), he loves to sweep up and his favorite thing to do is help with dinner - especially stirring!

There is never a dull moment around here these days :-) I posted some pics on my facebook account so if you haven't seen them, I put links to my photo albums below.

baking with mammy

playing with daddy

That's all the news around here for now :-)

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Story Time

Eóin LOVES reading. Lately he has been reading to himself too. Took me a while to get it on camera though. Enjoy :-)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Spot of Gardening

I haven't put up pics in a while so I thought I would get some today while Eóin and I were outside. It gets harder and harder to take his picture because he does not stay still for a second! He is totally obsessed with steps these days. He did manage to make it up a step by himself...getting down is a whole different story!

Monday, April 07, 2008


Here is the video to go with the last post. It's been a nightmare trying to get it on here. For some reason I couldn't get the sideways shots to switch around. Oh well!

Birthday Party...kinda of

So Jason and Cara came down this weekend to celebrate Jonathan and Christina's birthdays which are both this week. The way the weekend turned out though, we never really had a chance to have a party for them. We did have fun though. Today, Christina was out of town with her choir from school and Jonathan was at work, so Jason, Cara, Eric, Eóin and I had a party for them....without them! We went to Wendy's for lunch and had a game of miniature golf (which apparently is different than putt putt). Here are some pics and videos from the dork PGA :-)

Jason threw his club over the fence and had to climb over to get it.
Oh - there was a gate?!? 

Thursday, April 03, 2008


Today, Eóin was a permanent fixture to my legs! He has a double ear infection, allergies, and is getting his molars, so he is a bit clingy. I decided to let him just help me with what I was doing. He LOVED sweeping and was so upset when I put the big sweeping brush away that I gave him a little one. He spent a LONG time sweeping every possible area :-)
I also let him help me make dinner since he always wants to see what I am doing. We were making cheddar biscuits and I gave him his own pile of flour and stuff so he would stop emptying mine onto he counter (grrr). I added a little water for him to make a dough and before I could stop him, he popped the whole thing in his mouth. He must have liked it - he just chewed and swallowed - yuck!
Here are some random pics from the past week or so.

Sweeping for Mammy

Oops - wrong coats!

Making play-doh with Leigh-Ann and Sophie
 (notice I found a good use for the straws Eóin found)

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Last Straw!

So today I was talking to Jonathan and Eóin was just wandering around kicking his ball when I notice it is getting very quiet. When Eóin is walking around, he usually talks to himself - he is only quiet when he is concentrating on something...We went to investigate and found this! Apparently his ball stopped right next to my corner cupboard which spins around and Eóin found a jar of straws. He thought they were pretty cool...He thinks anything that makes a mess is pretty cool :-)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Eggs

Today we had a wonderful Easter Sunday. Church was such a blessing - I really enjoyed every part of the service. Then we went to Eric and Christina's for lunch. Eric's parents were there too - it was a lot of fun. Eóin had fun watching Christina's cats run around although they did not think he was so great :-) I tried to hide some eggs for Eóin to find, but after the first two he didn't want to put them down to find any more so I just put them all out on the table for him to play with. He looks a bit dishoveled because he was way due a nap. He had a meltdown shortly following these pics so I did not get a family pic...oh well - maybe next time we are all dressed up I can snap a good one. Here are some egg ones anyway...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Just Like Mammy

Eóin is such a copycat these days it is so funny! He watches every thing I do so closely and when i least expect it, he will do something that he sees me do all the time.
Today, I was in the kitchen and Jonathan called me in to the living room to see Eóin. I had just been folding laundry and he found a dish cloth on the top of the basket and proceeded to start dusting the table. A few minutes later, Jonathan called me back in and Eóin had sat down beside my laundry basket and was "folding" the laundry himself (after pulling it out of the basket). He even patted them down on his lap just like I do!
Here is a video of him "grocery shopping" - He found his own little cart at the store to push around.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

1 Year Pics

Here are Eóin's 1 year pics. They are a bit late because I was waiting for all his bruises to go away. I'm not sure that's possible on a 1 year old - he is always finding ways of getting new owies :-) Just follow the link!

1 Year Pics

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

At the Park

Today was such a beautiful day that it seemed a shame to stay inside. So we went to a nearby playground for a little while just to let Eóin get out for a while - he loves being outside. As soon as his coat comes out of the closet he is waiting at the door for me :-) Here are some pics

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Trip to the Zoo

Yesterday was a beautiful day so we decided to go to the Kansas City Zoo. I love it there - it is so huge you can't do it all in one day - we just walked through Africa which is my favourite anyway :-) Eóin was so much more alert than the last time we went. He waved at the animals and roared at the Lions. He really looked at every was so fun to watch him. Here are some pics from the day. I added some animals ones just as proof we were there :-)

Friday, February 29, 2008

Quick Video

Sorry it's been so long since I put anything up...I have tons of stuff to put up. Now that Eóin has gone from walking to running I barely have time for a shower never mind blogging. Here are some videos we took of him at the mall play area when my mam was visiting. He loved pushing himself down the slide/bridge thingy :-) 

BTW - at his 12 months checkup he was 22.5 lbs and was 30 inches long. He is about 50% for both height and weight and 75% for his head (he definitely gets the fat head from the Caffrey side - sorry son :-) More room for brains!

Anyway - here are the videos

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Eóin's First Birthday

Yay - Eóin turned one yesterday. Sorry I didn't put pics up then but Jonathan had his wisdom tooth pulled yesterday too so it was a busy day! He loves toddling around the house now and playing chasing and hide and seek. He can say thank you (well is comes out da-ku) and da-dee. He really doesn't know what thank you means - he just says it :-) He loves food - pretty sure I won't be using baby food for much longer...he would eat bread and jam all day if I let him (actually he is eating that right now :)
His check-up is on Tuesday so I will post more updates then.

To celebrate his birthday yeterday we went to Paradise Park - a great kids play place. He had a ball and totally wore himself out! Then we went to Culvers for another Eóin favorite, chicken fingers and fries and then some ice-cream :-) Here are some pics of the day.

I was watching the clock all day to take a picture of him at the time he was born and then I ended up missing it by a few minutes...oh well. Funny how one year ago he could do nothing for himself and exactly one year later he is feeding himself leftover fiesta lime chicken from Applebee's :-) So much changes in one year!

Eóin William Harrison
February 15, 2007, 1:40 p.m.

Eóin William Harrison
February 15, 2008, 1:50 p.m.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Birthday Party

We had Eóin's birthday party a few days early because 3/4 grandparents were in town this weekend. He got some lovely presents (most of them quite noisy ;). He was so funny with his birthday cake...he started off very polite and ended up cramming as much in as he could :-) Here is a little video of the day.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

First Trip to the ER

Well...I guess it was bound to happen one day - I was just hoping it would not be quite so soon. Today, Eóin was toddling around great, going back and forth between me and the piano. On one of his rounds, he tripped and landed smack into the corner of the piano bench. He was screaming as I was watching a huge egg shape appear on the side of his head. After almost fainting, I called the doctor and Jonathan and off we went to the Emergency Room. Eóin was pretty happy because he got to play with crayons which he loves :-) He had to have a cat scan - the room was really nicely decorated for kids and had cool lights shining on the machine. Jonathan and I had spinny toys that lit up to keep Eóin's attention so he would lie still. He really did great! There was no fracture of the skull so we are home - just need to keep an eye on him and wake him during the night a few times to make sure he is okay. Then we will go the our regular doctor for a checkup in a few days. Please pray he heals quickly - he is ready to be back walking again - but mammy is not quite ready to let him go again! Here are some pics from the hospital that we took on our phone.
Eóin's Owie - this bump has gone down quite a bit since it first popped up!
Coloring in the waiting area
Waiting for the doc - so sad that they have to make baby hospital gowns!
Still wants to walk though - nothing can stop him :-)

One more thing that came from this event. We were sitting on the couch giving him a bottle before bed and he found the ice-pack I had been using earlier...he knew just what to do with it - He picked it up and put it on his was so funny that he remembered it!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

"Behind" the scenes...

Here are some pics of Eóin just being at home...I was having fun on iphoto with them :-)

Daniel Comes to Visit

I've been watching a little boy named Daniel this week for a few days. Eóin really enjoys having someone to play with. Daniel on the other hand is a but scared of Eóin which is pretty funny. Daniel runs away from Eóin and Eóin thinks they are playing chasing! Here are some pics of the boys playing together. They are watching sesame street while eating their snacks...Eóin is glued!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

11 months Old

I can't believe that Eóin is nearly one! It seems that every day he develops a new skill and is quickly turning into a little boy and not my little baby anymore! These days he loves to put things where they belong. He puts his toys in the toy bucket and the lid on his bottle and the rings on the ring holder thing (whatever you call that :-) He is always so proud of himself when he does it! He is also learning to give and take - he thinks giving me things is so funny :-) I am having so much fun with him.  One of the highlights of his week is when the garbage truck comes by. It is big and red and he watches it out the window until it is out of sight! The garbage men always wave to him now and honk the horn on the truck.
Here are some pictures that Aunty Cara took while they were visiting at Christmas. We went to the kids play area at the mall and Eóin had great fun walking around with Grandpa (He even puts money in the machines - not like cheapo mammy and daddy ;)

Friday, January 11, 2008

Last one of the trains

Wow - you really don't have a lot of room on these posts! Sorry - you have to go down to posts to get to the beginning of this saga!

Okay so to justify why I am laughing at my crying child, I really thought he would like it and it was just so funny that instead he was terrified of it :-) I did try to cuddle him though!

More Choo-Choo

Cool train driving by our table (not the one that delivers food - just for show)

Our food being delievered

Another table's food being delivered


Tonight, we decided to take Eóin to Fritz's Railroad Restaurant for dinner. The idea behind the restaurant is pretty cool. You order your food on a phone and then a train delivers it to you. (The food was not so great, unfortunately). We thought that if Eóin did not like it at least he would find it interesting. Well...he was not impressed! Every time the train came out, he balled!!! It was so funny - he looked horrified at first. It got better each time though and by the time he left he would just watch the train (my sharing my fries helped too). Here are some pics and video. We took them on our phone so the quality is not so good but still funny. It was not worth putting in the effort of making a slideshow so it's just a long post :-)

Train-driver daddy!

Train-driver Mammy (with some poofy hair!)
Train-driver Eóin (not too impressed!)

Daddy ordering our food

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Human Tsunami

I (Karen) have gladly handed bath time over to daddy for a few reasons.

1 - By the end of the day , my back is already broken from walking around with Eóin
2 - Daddy prefers bath time to clean the kitchen after dinner time
3 - Eóin loves spending time with daddy
4 - Anyone within a ten foot radius of the tub gets DRENCHED!

It's so cute to watch him splash around though, and at the end of bath time while the water is draining daddy lets Eóin try to "catch" the water. It is so funny!!!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Here comes trouble

Yesterday, Eóin officially started walking. He had taken one or two steps before but yesterday and today he has been really moving it! He is getting braver which means I am on my toes because although he can walk, he is not quite sure on the stopping, sitting down part. Yesterday he fell smack into my leg as I was taping him and split his lip - poor chicky. He didn't want to be held though. The only thing that would make him feel better was walking some more :-) Here are the few clips we were able to get on camera :-)

Friday, January 04, 2008

Happy New Year

Wow - I am totally behind on every thing. I have been all year (ha ha the whole 4 days of it!). Here are some pics from our new year's celebration. I was planning on adding music but I forgot that when our harddrive died so did all our music! Oh well. We had a fondue/appetizer night - it was great. Eóin went to town on the angel food cake :-) Then we had a game of scrabble. Jonathan won - big surprise...