Bethany Schrock has been left hurt and confused after her ex-boyfriend showed his true and awful colors. Now she spends her time cleaning and organizing house for a bunch of old sisters and wondering where her life is headed.
The more she spends time with the sisters though, the more she sees their heart for others and it's kind of catching. On top of that, a visitor at her family's bed and breakfast who is also looking for direction from God, continues to show her what serving others is all about.
While Bethany is growing and maturing she also has some deep questions to deal with like some big issues from her past, and a new love interest in her future.
Once again, Suzanne Fisher has really delved into some real life hard issues in her book. The problems her characters face are not all wrapped up in a chapter with a bow and a happily ever after and I love that about her books. I also love that she weaves characters in from past series' so we can have a peek into the lives of other characters that we know and love. This is book two in the series and I would definitely suggest reading the first book before you begin this as it would be hard to read as a stand alone. I can't wait for the next installment!
Thank you so much to Revell publishers for a free copy of this book to review.
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