Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Big boy

Here are some pics from the past few days. We have been working on using utensils more often - I have been putting it off because finger foods are just so easy. He is doing really well though and most of the food gets in his mouth :-) He also has had his first bandaid worthy owies. One on his knee - he fell on the same spot FOUR DAYS IN A ROW! Each time it bled worse - yuck. Then he slid along the sidewalk on his face - luckily we escapes with a small cut on his eyebrow. He just loves to run! The rest are from playing outside today. I was actually going to the store but he got sidetracked by some twigs on the ground so I let him play for a while :-) He had a great time.


beK said...

Great pics, Karen!! The first two pics remind me of Jonathan. The last pic reminds me of Karen... :)

Unknown said...

Rob says that he misses Eoin and you guys need to come for another visit!

Anonymous said...

My brother Steve used to sit like that, with his legs sprawled out side-ways...I sure hope all his owies are healing up!!! I was there for the one at the zoo, not too fun =(

I agree with Rob....

Anonymous said...

Love his expression in that last photo - ha! :)