Friday, February 29, 2008

Quick Video

Sorry it's been so long since I put anything up...I have tons of stuff to put up. Now that Eóin has gone from walking to running I barely have time for a shower never mind blogging. Here are some videos we took of him at the mall play area when my mam was visiting. He loved pushing himself down the slide/bridge thingy :-) 

BTW - at his 12 months checkup he was 22.5 lbs and was 30 inches long. He is about 50% for both height and weight and 75% for his head (he definitely gets the fat head from the Caffrey side - sorry son :-) More room for brains!

Anyway - here are the videos


Anonymous said...

Looks like he had so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Wow he loves the slide!! Next-rollercoasters!! How cute=) love grandma H