Thursday, July 09, 2009

Aidan's 1 month checkup

Yesterday we went for Aidan's one month check-up (a few days late). He did so well and didn't make a peep the whole time until his shot at the end. The doc gave us some medicine to hopefully help with the spit-up and crying. He thinks it's acid reflux. Hopefully we'll see some improvement soon.
Other than that he is a very healthy guy. He is already 10lbs 7oz and 21 inches long. Short and chubby :-) He must have inherited the Harrison head (not like Eóin who definitely has a Caffrey head) because it was only in the 40th percentile - guess me and Eóin will have to suffer with being the brainy ones in the family :-p


Ice-Family said...

just got caught up on your blog. loved reading the updates and the video is very funny!

James and Aisling Solarek said...

That was cool!! I felt like I was there :) Great camera action from mammy and great singing from Eoin! He sings so well!