Sunday, March 14, 2010

Blog Award

At the beginning of the month I received a The Prolific Blogger Award from Christina Banks on her blog "With Pen in Hand". I am so excited that someone likes to read my ramblings :-)

The award is for keeping an active blog with enjoyable content. 

Here are the rules for receiving the award:

1. Every winner of the Prolific Blogger Award has to pass on this award to at least seven other deserving prolific bloggers. Spread some love!

2. Each Prolific Blogger must link to the blog from which he/she has received the award.

3. Every Prolific Blogger must link back to 
This Post, which explains the origins and motivation for the award.

4. Every Prolific Blogger must visit this post and add his/her name in the Mr. Linky, so that we all can get to know the other winners. (
Click here for the Mr. Linky page.)

Here is my list of blogs that I enjoy reading!

Penni's Blog - The Litwillers 
Janna's blog - The Adventure of Motherhood 
Rachel's Blog - Insanitopia
Heather's Blog - Duly Noted
Casey's Blog -  Stertz Family
Nicole's Blog - Harms Family News 
Sarah's Blog - actually she has two - this one and this one.

Look them up and have a read :-)


Unknown said...

Wow, thanks! Unfortunately, I only have two other blogs I could note.

Janna said...

Thank you Karen! I was happy to learn about Sarah Clucas's blog through this post.