Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Christmas Day 2011

Christmas morning was so much fun this year. The kids actually slept pretty late from a few busy days the night before. Eóin was up first and just came in a snuggled with me for a while. As he was laying there he says, "I wonder if Santa came last night." I told him he probably did. "I think Aidan ate all his cookies," he added. I said that I thought Aidan was asleep the whole night. "I bet he got up, ate the cookies, and then went back to sleep." he he he

When Aidan showed no signs of waking soon, we went in to wake him up. "It's not Christmas," he said. "Christmas is in the pond." I think he was still quite sleepy :-)

Next we sat on our bed to read the Christmas story and pray to say Happy Birthday to Jesus. Funniest story ever! Went kinda like this:

It started out pretty normally until we got to the shepherds - then it kind of went downhill from there...

Jonathan: So the shepherds were out taking care of their sheep at night. Then the angel appeared to them. Do you think you would be afraid if it was dark and a bright shiny angel appeared?

Eóin: No. Sometimes it is dark in my room and a light comes, but it is just a car.

Aidan: I think Jesus was driving the car.

Jonathan: The angel told him not to be afraid but to go see Jesus lying in a manger.

Aidan: He has birthday cake because it's his birthday (not really part of the story, but he got the birthday bit down at least :-)

Jonathan: finishes the story with some more funny interjections. I wish I wrote them down sooner because they were hilarious but these were the ones I could remember.

Anyway - then we went and opened presents, went  to church and then over to the Stanley's for dinner and presents there. A lovely Christmas Day :-)

Christmas Story Time

Finding presents. This is Eóin's thinking face. Aidan half dressed from the day before...oh well :-)
Molly's Present

Eóin's camera
Eóin asked for a train

Aidan asked Santa for chocolate - so voila :-)

Sweet Christmas Gift

Aidan opening Eóin's present - sly little monkey!

Eóin making his first real lego!

sweet matching cousins :-)

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